Wednesday 10th March 2021
Online session with DAN4630 Module Two focus: what is ‘analysis’ doing!? And MORE form review.
8pm (time in London) - on Zoom
Discussion groups with a module focus are informal but important because these discussion groups are a time to talk across the MAPP learning community and practice speaking to others about your work. Please write below to indicate which group time you will attend and what you would like to share/talk about. Part of this meeting will involve going over the MORE form. This would be useful for Module Two and Module Three students.
*Please note if you have any specific questions about the course that you need to discuss with your Supervisor you can email them or Skype call your Supervisor (quick questions can just be called in via Skype there is no need for an appointment - we ask you to try to call during your Supervisor's Office Hours if possible - see UniHub for times).