During my PhD (Akinleye 2012) I was thinking about how there was more than one way to experience, communicate, and witness an idea. I developed the proposition of 3D ideas: communication of an idea that uses more than one 'language'. I proposed the notion of 3D ideas as a way to describe the multi-layered nature of communication for acknowledging embodied experience.
“ideas are statements not of what is or what has been but of acts to be performed” – J. Dewey
This picture illustrates the ideas.
small language vessels that carry ideas from the inner, isolation of the immediate empiricism of embodiment, to a communicative expression – extract from Akinleye thesis
This is the notion that an idea generated by the nucleus of embodied experience has aspects of it that are well communicated in words, but also has aspects of it that are well communicated physically as well as experientially and representationally. All of these aspects do not replace each other but rather seem to add layers of depth to the communication of the idea and so also to the understanding of the kernel of the idea that was generated through the embodied experience. In this course we ask you to engage with this multi-communication in DAN4760 (Module Three) when you present your work in the form of an essay (University artifact) and Professional artifact (which is whatever is an appropriate form for communicating your ideas in terms of your practice) and a viva when you talk about your experience