This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Sunday 30 September 2018

Reflections on AM & PM discussion group...

This morning’s discussion group had a focus loosely around Knowledge and learning which also brought us to talking about reflection, the significances of experience, longevity of teaching, and the fluidity of knowledge.

I was interested in the space’ between our perception of our own learning (where we are the learner and how we expect the learning experience to feel, what we expect teaching to look like) and our perception of our students learning (where we are the teacher what we expect our students of absorb from our teaching and how we expect it to be absorbed).
Is there a disconnect between these two perceived roles? How does one inform the other? Is our idea of how we expect to learn different from how we expect our students to learn?

I often think about how much I am asking of my students (particularly beginners) to put themselves in situations where they do not know how to do something or it feels impossible. When I take a yoga class I also sometimes feel it will be impossible to do – or I don’t know how I will even have the energy to stand up to do it – I make myself remember and recognise that feeling of impossibility and trust in ‘just doing one step at a time’. This gives me more inspiration in my own practice because I see my own feeling of overwhelm and subsequent pushing through it as a reminder of what it feels like to be learning. I do not like to ask my students to engage in a feeling that I am no longer familiar with myself.

In the PM group we talked about different ideas that people were toying with within their practices. See comments for links to blog posts on this. We also noticed that you might respond quite differently to an idea when you have your Professional Hat on (such as dance teacher) from when you have your Student Hat on. The interest is again in how you inhabit a space between these roles. How you bring together these knowledges and experiences to support the exploration of new ideas, new learning.
Have a look at the comments below to link into what other people in the conversation felt…

Also, please comment below if you were not in the conversation to keep the topic going.

Tuesday 25 September 2018


Useful link for discussing/outlining etiquette for using the net.

Some quite obvious points but underlines the idea that your activity online is an extension of your activity offline (i.e. how you 'sound', give, take, appear = how you interact)

Sunday 23 September 2018

Sunday Discussion Group: knowing and learning

This Sunday September 30th, we have our (around the) First Sunday of the month Skype discussion group. Any module  is welcome. these discussion group are an important opportunity to talk and listen about the ideas you are working with. 
We are kicking off the discussion with 'knowing and learning'.
These will be at:
9am (time in London)
8pm  (time in London)

Comment below to indicate which one you will attend and share relevant thinking/doing you have been mulling, reflecting on particularly in terms of 'knowing and learning'.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Fridays Skype

Fridays welcome skype went was nice to be back at it!! We shared screens and looked at the Programme Pages on UniHub.  Well worth having a long look through, especially the resources on the in the University Library and Research Support folder.

Comments/ comment below to link to what people in the conversation felt useful and reflected on. looking forward to reading.... 

Thursday 13 September 2018

Get the MDX ap. for quick messages from the university and other useful links.

I like the idea of an ap. Always feel a bit hesitant to have another 'thingy' on my phone but it is a really useful way of being in the loop of important dates and deadlines across the University. How did you find installing it? What do you think? Comment below.

Interesting articles about Health and fitness