This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Monday, 6 November 2017

The artistry in what you are doing

On Sunday we had two discussion groups. In the morning we talked about a number of points. One that resonated with me was Choreography ‘v’ technique. The discussion was about how students tend towards one or the other. Chelsie spoke about how her year 3  students preferred choreography because they are thinking about working professionally and auditions etc… where they will need to do choreography (rather than ‘technique’). This thought made me think about part of the reasoning behind the discussion groups.  The Discussion groups are like your opportunity to discuss with people who are interested in your work. Once you have your MA you will be expected to be able to think critically and discuss your area of expertise. These discussion groups are when you can practice this – the choreography of your own thinking how you express, improvise, connect, and present your thinking and feeling. This is different from the discussion groups being like a technique class where you attend to be told what is right.

There were some other interesting topics discussed people attending both groups are posting in the comments to overview their thoughts and link you to the post they have written as a result of the stimuli of the discussions.

In the PM discussion, again we talked about a number of things. At the end I pointed out the whole artistry of the course in terms of the language of your profession: The AOLs in Module One are like a bridge from your profession into the university. They explain (bridge) the learning of your practice, in the language and symbolism of the university). The Professional Artefact in Module Three is the bridge back to your practice it explains what you have been doing  in the University (your learning) in the language and symbolism of your practice.


  1. This is the link to my blog post with thoughts around the PM discussion.

  2. This is my Link:

  3. This is my blog post link:

  4. This is my blog post link: I am working on my new post about the skype group discussion that we had on Sunday. I will probably be ready to upload my thoughts tommorow :)


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