This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Saturday 31 March 2012


This week I am thinking about the usefulness of completing the first draft of something. In some ways you need to think of writing the work you are handing–in  as an experience in itself that will teach you more. Having written it you might find that the experience of writing it completes the activity for you and helps you have a full perspective. At that point you will have a kind of clarity of completion that will in form the whole process and will mean you can go back to what you wrote and improve it in terms of order, or clarity of the points you make or seeing where you have left out something important.

I am not going back on what I am always saying about thinking. I am not saying that thinking is IN the writing but knowing the whole event is helpful for organising understanding of it. The whole event is doing the tasks AND writing about the learning. It is like the way if you are learning a dance sequence even if you don’t know how to do it all yet knowing how it will end helps you to start to internalise the sequence so you can learn and remember it. I always find while I am being taught a sequence it seems really long and overwhelming, but once I know the whole thing where it goes I can start to manage the parts of it much better and it doesn’t seem as long at all.

That is why at this point having a RoL written is in fact a way to inform the process of writing all of them. The experience of doing it, itself is a learning activity that should help clarify the whole task of making a portfolio of RoL.

What have you found?

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