This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Sunday 29 November 2015

Next Sunday :)

Good news and bad news
Good news:
We have our group skype next Sunday
11am (time in London)
5pm (time in London)

Please comment below to indicate which one you will join.
Looking forward to hearing what you are all working on next Sunday

Bad news x2
1) My MDX email is not letting me in!!! Please use my alternative emails for the next couple of weeks while I try to sort it out :(

2) Me ranting - don't send things called 'AOL 1' or 'final project'. That is what it is to you. But when you send someone something empathize with what it is to them 'Akinleye AOL 1 MAPP' for instance. When i down load 'AOL 1' it wipes out someone else's  'AOL 1' because my computer thinks its the same document!! It is part of my 'its not magic' or 'its all in your hands dear tutor' stamp out. Feel in control and own your work. Not 'well here it is please validate me.... ' OK I'll put this in smaller type so I don't seem too moan-y!

Best wishes


  1. I will also attend the 5pm Skype!

  2. 5pm for me please(but I will have to leave at 5.45 sorry!)

  3. 5pm for me please(but I will have to leave at 5.45 sorry!)

  4. 5pm too! This will be my first so not quite sure what happens but I am assuming I need to add you Adesola?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 11am for alanna. so early from canada but i am going to make it!!!!

  7. Hi Adesola, unfortunately I will not now be around on December 6th for either skype session as I need to go out of town unexpectedly.

  8. Hi 11am for me. I may be a bit groggy!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Sorry for the late reply but my schedule was fragile till now, I would like to join the morning conference talk - 11 am :)

  11. Hi Adesola! I will attend the 11am session.

  12. Sorry for the late reply. Please could I come in on the 5pm Skype call? Thanks
