This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Wednesday 7 October 2020

Wednesday 14th Oct - what is ‘analysis’ doing!? And MORE form review: Module Two focus

Wednesday Oct 14th 2020
Online session with DAN4630 Module Two focus: what is ‘analysis’ doing!? And MORE form review.
8pm (time in London) 

Discussion groups with a module focus are informal but important because these discussion group Skypes are a time to talk across the MAPP learning community and practice speaking to others about your work. Please write below to indicate which group time you will attend and what you would like to share/talk about. Part of this Skype will involve going over the MORE form. This would be useful for Module Two and Module Three students.

*Please note if you have any specific questions about the course that you need to discuss with your Supervisor you can email them or Skype call your Supervisor (quick questions can just be called in via Skype there is no need for an appointment - we ask you to try to call during your Supervisor's Office Hours if possible - see UniHub for times).


  1. Hi Adesola, i still do not know how will work my net but im signing up for the Wednesday Module 2 focus at 8pm.
    thank you,

  2. Hello I would like to join the 8pm Skype. I am mostly looking forward to covering the MORE form and to discussing module 2 beginning outlines.

  3. Hi Adesola,
    Can you please include me in this Module 2 focused discussion?
    Thank you,

  4. Hi Adesola I would like to attend this session please! Currently considering different methadologies for research (i.e. case studies) and look forward to learning about the MORE forms

  5. Hello,
    Please add me for Wednesdays session on "what is analysis" and MORE forms explanation.
    Thank you,

  6. I am confirming my attendance for this session. Thank you.

  7. Hi Adesola, I would like to attend this group discussion. Many thanks

  8. Good morning Adesola, I'd like to attend this 8pm session, thank you.

  9. Dear Adesola,
    I would like to be included into this discussion please. Thanks

  10. Hello,
    I will try to be at the Wednesday Meeting I need to find a sub. for my classes...

  11. Hello,
    I am hoping to join you all this afternoon for the Skype session, I need to find a sub. for my afternoon classes...
