This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Monday Sept 30th Skype discussion with Module One focus

Monday Sept 30th Skype discussion with Module One focus

Monday September 30th is a Skype Discussion 
8pm (time in London)
(Module One focus)
Please comment below if you are going attend, please also include your thoughts on the topic or current research /reflection you are doing. This is so people can prepare before the conversation by look at and researching each others ideas and reflections.


  1. Hello - I would like to attend the Monday meeting as well.
    My reading is two fold at the moment; the practicalities of the course and the effect of emotions on learning. As the practicalities of the course keep sending me into small panics, it's interesting to reflect how this emotional state makes the learning feel- Like facing a brick wall with all the understanding I need behind it - but by acknowledging the emotional affect on the learning I can start taking the bricks away, getting glimpses of what I need to know, so I am able to begin.
    Particular areas of concern are;
    AOL's (what constitutes an area of learning) and some functions of the Unihub (but hoping to iron those out today.

  2. Hi Adesola. I would like to join this session please, assuming it is at 8pm as written above, and not 6pm as per our schedule? I am interested in what Stella has raised as I share many of the same feelings and I too am wondering what constitutes an area of learning. So far I have been particularly interest in ethics within to industry and critical reflection: How I can use this myself but also teach these skills to my students via various teaching methods. I posted a bit about this in my blog. Maybe then linking these skills in dance to other areas of learning and how that can benefit one's life in other situations.

  3. Hi Adesola,

    I would like to attend please. I am interested in finding out more around AOL's, and how to transfer the reflective process with students into lessons to foster development.

  4. hello, I am unable to attend as I am working nights , however is there a recording of this that will be posted at all please.

  5. Hi Adesola,
    I would love to attend but I am unfortunately teaching at that time. Along with Athena, I was wondering if there is an option to hear the discussion later?

  6. Hi Adesola,

    I would please like to attend the Monday skype discussion.

    At the moment I'm looking at reflective learning and the different theories and approaches researched in regards to this - and therefore having a lot of thoughts over myself as practitioner / learner and which theories I can identify with.

    Similar to Stella and Jessica I'm also starting to look at the AOL's and looking at setting topics and boundaries for the ones which I'd possibly like to explore.

  7. Hi Adesola,

    I really wish I could attend this Skype discussion but I am not available. If there is a recording of the call, I would also value listening to it.


  8. Hello Adesola

    I would like to attend tonight's Skype please (8pm, correct?)

    Similarly to some to others I've slightly panicked on what constitutes AOLs versus the RPL exactly. This anxiety has made me stop, sit and reflect though, I must say. I believe I understand a little more now but not entirely sure. My personal interest is on how dance education adapts to new dance forms in the various learning environments. I've written down some notes for my own reflection and further development but need to understand that I'm on the "right path" to develop further.

  9. Hi Adesola.

    I'd like to attend tonight's discussion please. (I teach a class this evening that finishes at 8pm, apologies in advance for joining the call slightly later).

    I'm working my way through both parts of the module one handbook, and enjoying the reading/tasks around reflective practice. I'd be interested in talking about how to approach exploring our AOL's. Also, Jessica's question around supporting students with their reflective process to foster progression and development sounds really interesting. Thanks, Sophie
