This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

What other people say and what you say!!

I wrote this for my BAPP blog but I think it might be interesting for you too….
Christmas is coming!!! First, I wanted to put in a word for citations and using them!!! This is about linking your ideas to things beyond yourself. In Module One we talk about communication, reflection and networks.  These are foundational ideas that we return to each module. Think of citations in terms of them. Citing (talking about) other peoples’ work and ideas is how you show how your ideas link to the ‘network’ of ideas about a subject. This also shows how what you think links to the ‘reflections’ of others. As you do this you communicate your ideas in your own way and then share how other people have ‘communicated’ similar ideas.

Now don’t be afraid of citations just because they have a particular format. The formality of citations is just so there is a standard way of doing things; so we can all find the work you are talking about. I have talked about this in a couple of past blog posts have a look.

Starting up

What Sam and Billy say

Now for word counts and editing – again don’t be afraid of these. Word counts and starting to edit your work is part of sharpening your skills in writing and being clear in your own head what you want to say.

Here are some ‘tips’ on self-editing
  • Don’t get too attached to everything in the essay; nothing is ever lost; it can be used elsewhere. 
  • Whatever you write, write about what is necessary to the points you are making.
  • Be sure that everything in the essay contributes to what you want the Reader to experience or learn from your writing.
  • Don’t read to edit immediately after you have written something. Take a break and come back to it.
  • Write what you mean and stop when you’ve said it!!
  • Put your ideas in order.
  • Think of the essay as a whole: have only one beginning (introduction), middle (the points you want to make) and end (a conclusion drawing it all together). Don’t write a beginning middle and end for every thought you want to talk about.
Looking forward to reading your comments

1 comment:

  1. Hello Adesola,
    Yes I think I get this now.. I basically need to read this and absorb!! as everything is here for me... it just takes me longer and order is so hard for me but I am determined to get more ordered.
