This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Thursday 20 February 2020

Wednesday 26th February 8pm Skype with Module 3 focus

The 'event' of data

Wednesday Feb 26th: Online session with DAN4760 Module Three  focus 

8pm (time in London) - CANCELLED 
We will try to reschedule this Skype for next week - please look out for posts. 

Please comment below to indicate your attendance. Please indicate what you would like to bring to the discussion on this topic - any thing you have been reading or seen or doing...


  1. Hi Adesola.
    Yes I will be joining. Will comment again about what I would like to discuss.
    Best Linda

  2. Hi Adesola
    Please add me to the skype call.
    I am currently reading and reading!
    I would like to discuss and clarify the 'artefact' aspect of module 3.

  3. Please add me to the list. I have been looking at how memories of dancing in our youth can give us a sense of wellbeing and encourage us to dance in our latter years.

  4. Hi Adesola,

    Please include me in this skype, I'd like to discuss how much one should include varying theories around your research or if one should stick to the most prevalent. Also appropriate artefacts like Tanith suggested.

  5. Dear Adesola
    I have just got teaching cover for this evening, so was hoping to join, is it likely to be rescheduled for a Wednesday or another day as it's really difficult to find cover?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Fiona, we are organising a module three discussion over skype ourselves tonight. Sorry if you don't get this in time but we will record the conversation for you to have a listen to when you can.
