This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Monday 27 January 2020

Starting back, beginnings

Starting/Starting back to MAPP.

I have posted before about how 'starting' or beginning comes in different forms. See this post 

But at the moment I am thinking about getting to the middle!! rather than thinking about beginning and ending - which we tend to do and dismiss the middle. As if the middle was just the vehicle for getting somewhere else. But as you know from my work - the process is the 'thing' the process is it, the journey is the learning part. So rather than think about making your study a compartment that must begin somewhere and end somewhere try thinking about how you get to the middle of it. How do you get to the point where you are in a routine, where you are familiar with some thoughts and books and people and they are mulling over in your head (in the supermarket or on the bus)? How do you get to enjoying the feeling of explaining an idea or dancing or reflecting on it in your journal that already has a number of pages you have written on? How do you get to your blog being a familiar place that you write in and have comments on and use to connect and comment with a group of students on MAPP you are fond of?

How do you get to be in the middle of your life not on its edges? That is what I am asking myself at the moment.

Please comment below


  1. Hi everyone,

    This is my blog commenting on the first Skype sesh of the new term.


  2. Hi all,

    My blog is below reflecting on the welcome back Skype. Looking forward to starting some great conversations.


  3. Hello everyone.

    This is my first blog regarding our first welcome Skype!


  4. Hello Everyone

    Welcome new and old. I'm hoping I can engage more this term with some of you and wish you all a brilliant journey on the MAPP course.

    My reply to Adesola's blog ( I missed the welcome Skype)

    Best wishes

  5. Hi everyone,

    Like Idris, I am also making it a mission this term to engage more with others.

    Quoting Adesola:
    "How do you get to your blog being a familiar place that you write in and have comments on and use to connect and comment with a group of students on MAPP you are fond of?"

    ... this is definitely what I will be working on, I had a late start and have been neglecting my blog, so my intention is to focus on getting from the 'beginning edge' of my journey on this course to the middle, and the first steps will begin with utilising my blog and engagaing more.
