This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Monday 16 March 2020

Community Skypes

We are adding some 'community Skypes' as a response to the current news and changes and the isolation that they move towards. These are Skypes we can orchestrate through my (Adesola's) blog but they are for you to talk to each other informally, share ideas about the course but also larger approaches or challenges to your practice.

They are to keep in touch and support each other as the BAPP (and MAPP) community.
The first on will be
Friday March 20th 7pm (time in London)

Saturday March 28th 9am (time in London)

Please comment below if you are joining one or both. 


  1. I shall join the Friday one, definitely. Not a morning person, ideally! ; )

  2. I will be able to join the Skype for this Friday at 7pm. Thank you for these. Best, Julianna

  3. Hello
    I'd like to join Saturday 28th please - Thank you for organising these

  4. I'd like to attend both please.
    Thank you for these!

  5. Hello, I'd like to join the saturday 28th one please, as the tomorrow session is not suitable as its during my sleeping hours.

    Thank you, looking forward to joining the group.

  6. Hello,
    I would like to join in on both sessions.
    Thank you

  7. Dear Adesola
    I would like to attend the one on Saturday 28th March please.
    Thank you

  8. Dear Adesola,
    Please count me on for Saturday 28th please.
    Thank you
