This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Sunday 2 October 2016

First Sunday AM skype chat - positioning

This morning’s group skype chat went well it was mostly Module Ones but Amanda in Module 3 was able to join us half way through, which was great also. We talked a lot about positioning ourselves:

People talked about positioning in terms of noticing where they began and where the influence of the type of way they were taught ended. We talked about how many of us had had moments when we suddenly realise we were teaching the same class we took as a child.

We talked about positioning in terms of how cultural influences effect how we see our practice.
And how this ‘cultural context’ lens affects how we see what other teachers are doing.

We talked about positioning in terms of how you situate yourself in your study – how you organise and plan. What becoming a student feels like or if it is a change at all.

Positioning in terms of sorting out where you stand with logistics: fees, timeframes, learning new skills like starting a blog.

Also positioning in terms of how we move through the modules and how they connect as a pathway or journey.

As usual we are all writing a little about ideas that came up in the conversation or ideas that that conversation sparked in us. We are doing this to share thoughts not to be an authority on the subject so each post is the beginning of a new conversation therefore please comment on the posts people put up.

Samantha  and Kirsty  (Kirsty will put her blog address in the comments below)   are going to post further on reflections about how we learn, and attitudes to learning through looking at her students. This linked for her with ideas about theory and practice.

Nighat is going to post on thoughts about one-to-one and collective learning and environments that generate these kind of ways of teaching/learning.

Barbara is going to post about why people ‘start to study’: looking at this through the lens of the reasons why students come to her classes. She is particularly interested in how reasons for starting study shift and are influenced by age.

Michelle is going to look at how children challenge learning systems. So she is looking through the lens of generational changes.

Lizzy is going to write about thoughts to do with the portfolio (handed-in at the end of Module One) and how it differs from student to student depending on their life histories.

Parimala has posted giving bullet points of the topics we talked about.

Amanda (Amanda will put her blog address in the comments below) is going to post on the links between the modules and how they have fitted together for her journey to Module 3.

Helen is going to write about the trial and error nature of learning, and finding pathways to understanding.

What do you think? Please comment below. It is important to do more than just comment on things you need like what time you will join a skype group. Actually use the comments to comment on the post you have just read. Looking forward to reading what you think: about the ideas, about skype calls, about blogging, about teaching, about the notion of student.


1 comment:

  1. Good to join the first chat today. From listening to others I feel I have a better idea of what to do but more importantly it sparked of areas of thought that I hadn't considered. I left the chat with more questions than answers but in a positive way as the questions are for me to ponder and sift through in the coming weeks
