This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Triangulate (and places to see what other people have thought.)

 Thinking about writing:
Areas of Learning, about inquiry plan, or reflecting on your data collection and inquiry = triangulate

Triangulate: as your write mix together (steps of analysis)
  • Your experience & stories about learning the topic  – your experience and what you learnt about the topic.
  • Theory on learning – so you can talk about your learning to develop your thoughts and practice in this area. (Module One theory will underpin this) – actually how you learnt it, looking back now and knowing the learning theory of Module One
  • The theory (publications about the topic: contextualises your experience and thoughts. (other people - people who have been published- experiences and stories) – what other people have learnt about the topic and how what you have learnt sits within this.

Finding the theory – you can look in Middlesex library.
Also Journals:
  • Journal of Dance Education –
  • Dance Research Journal –
  • Dance Education in Practice (JODE) -
  • Research in Dance Education –
  • Choreographic Practices
Keep up the good work. 


  1. I am confused. If we are not to quote sources and prove facts within the experiential essay, how then and why do we use research to enhance our writings?

  2. Hi Ken, I think the idea is that it is already accepted that we have the experience that we have already. so no need to prove it. I believe there is space to discuss those theorists who have similar or share our ideas/philosophies and also to look at those who come from a different school of thought. This can provoke new trains of thought "to capture different dimensions of the same phenomenon"

    This is my opinion, hopefully some others will engage because it is important throughout the M.A and something I continuously struggle with and have to remind myself of.
