This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Tuesday Skype - learning in and as Professional Practice

In this Skype discussion we talked about the learning, knowledge, skills and information. We discussed the idea of learning from experience/ from doing/ from practice. In Module One you are developing a context for the learning you have derived from your practice.

We talked about discourses in learning and education that separate Theory and Practice or set up academic and vocation as different values. This discourse is a part of the field your discussion your learning reside in too.

We also talked about the importance of discussion for learning. This following video engages with the idea that discussion creates different understanding or learning...
The blogs in this course are where discussion happens for us... (discussion with yourself and with each other).

Please comment below...


  1. Pidgeon-holing, labelling and learning fixed answers also increases discrimination based on conditioned rights and wrongs, stifling creativity and personal growth. This is great our system must change.

  2. Good to know there's life after the Westboro Baptist Church! Dialogue as a first response is a touchstone for me.

    In other news, I have blogged about why blogs are important for this course, as requested.

  3. Dear Adesola, I listened to the recording after I finished work so here is my blog.

    1. Hi Jade, do you mean you had a recording of the dicussion or you mean the videos attached in Adesolas post here? I have always trouble catching the skyoe chats due to work and the time difference where I am. thanks!

  4. Thanks for a great discussion Adesola. I've blogged about what interested me the most. Jesse

  5. Really enjoyed the get together on Sunday. Got me thinking about Learning and successes. If you interested my blog is

  6. Hi Adesola, sorry I was not able to join the discussion but thank you for the post... the TED presentation from Megan Phelps-Roper really blew me away, it’s incredible to see how far she has come since the Louis Theroux documentaries (2007&2011) very inspiring...

    Here is a link to my post -

  7. Hello everyone! I am from Module Two, but I was really curious about your perceptions on knowledge and learning. I enjoyed reading your blogs enormously and it took me back to analysing my own reflections from when I was in Module One. Lovely to meet all of you. If you want to peak into my blog, these are my recent reflections on knowledge and learning:

  8. Hi Everyone - I've finally had chance to catch up. My thoughts on Reflection can now be found on my blog
